Spectreview: Swingset – Been Time [music video]

Released: May 17, 2018
(music vid: May 2, 2019)



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“Predilection for perfection
Is hard to overcome”

Swingset are purveyors of smooth, soulful R&B, and their debut EP Jorts 45, released almost a year ago, documented their accomplished approach to a genre that requires deft hands and ample charisma. Lead single and opener “Been Time” succinctly captures the spirit and skill of the band, and a new music video directed by Violet Crabtree further illustrates the song’s message of positivity in the face of sour circumstances. A patchwork of stop-motion and live-action hand puppetry, the video’s well-produced but with visible seams, intentionally constructed from the ground up. It’s light story, told in long stationary shots that let the music breathe freely, is emotionally potent and easy enough to follow, providing an accompanying dimension to the song’s meaning as well as its pathos. It’s a little cheesy, but the message is important, and it’s done with the same approachability and attention to detail that made the band’s debut EP so enjoyable.

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