#1: The Buswreck of the Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour Film (feat. Rigo Hernandez)

“My name is Jolly Jimmy Johnson and you are all my friends.”

It’s the inaugural episode of The Tape Deck!! Hooray!

This week Rob Moura and Rigo Hernandez break down one of the worst musical movies ever set to film, the Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour. Make sure to check the links below to listen to the music we talked about today! Enjoy~

–A few corrections to note (since this was the first episodes and we were a little nervous)

1. The fifth director of the movie was not named Brendon. His name was Bernard Knowles (no relation to Beyoncé) and it was one of his last films before he died five years later.

2. We were stress eating gummy bears during the recording and that’s a big no-no. Apologies in advance.

3. Since this is the first podcast I’ve ever done, and I was inexplicably using a cardioid lav mic, my voice sounds like crap. It sounds like it was recorded in a tunnel. It’ll get better down the line, I promise.

Here’s the music mentioned in the podcast:

The Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour

Rick Rubin Playlist:

Intro/outro music: “saffron” by sunking
Buy their album here: https://sunkingexperiment.bandcamp.com

Game Ambient